Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here Goes

Today I sent out an email to about 15 of my friends to see what they think about starting this group "10 do 10."

The idea is inspired by the checklist on
for how to take action against massive and catastrophic climate change, and I wrote my friends to see if they were interested and/or had ideas/resources to share.

Basically I was thinking about it the other day and I realized that I have known about various small lifestyle changes I could make to help save energy and reduce carbon emissions, but for whatever reason, I have not gotten around to actually DOING very many of them. Simple things like replacing the light bulbs in the house with compact fluorescents, checking the hot water heater and making sure that it is set at 120 degrees, unplugging unused appliances, etc. --shame on me, but I imagine that there are a number of semi-lazy-ish (or rather, let's call them very busy) people out there who are very concerned about global warming but who have yet to actually make all the possible concrete changes in their lives. This idea is designed to facilitate:

Its a simple little thing really--10 people join an "Energy Pod," facilitated by what I am calling a "Pod-Leader", and all of them agree to do what they can to make small lifestyle tweaks that will help combat global warming. The Pod Leader, through non-annoying email messages, friendly, non-nagging phone calls, high-tech blog postings, raffles, etc (raffles?) then helps everyone follow through on their commitment. And by sharing with each other the changes that pod members are making, hopefully everyone will start to have a real sense of what can be accomplished by small groups. Perhaps, Pod Members will be inspired to become Pod Leaders, and, just like Amway, we start to rule the world.

(For the list offered by the stop global warming website of possible lifestyle adjustments--click


For now I am just beginning to think about the best way to organize--I think that the simpler the better--but it would be nice to have a website where others could join the movement if they'd like. Don't you reckon?

Anyway, so here is the blog about the beginnings of this project. I'll post people's comments/ideas/issues and we'll see what happens.



At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want in.
I need to be coached.
Here is my thing - I have a hard time actually understanding how to make the changes that are recommended. For example- I've asked the guy at home depot which light bulbs are the energy savers but then I get tripped up having to find a ladder to go around and change all the light bulbs and I'm not sure the bulbs I bought work/fit in all my fixtures- LAME EXCUSES - so I need a group to be accountable TO and to feel safe asking really lame, perhaps obvious questions.

which leads me to my next example:

Where is my hot water heater and how can I change it? Do i call my landlord? Do I call PG & E?

Unplugging appliances- Why does this matter? I own a Fridge, toaster, microwave - should I be unplugging the toaster and microwave when not in use?

Is it really better to put my computer to sleep at night or more energy efficient to switch it off entirely?

Would you ever consider hosting a TendoTen suaree somewhere? Maybe at a park even? I picture it like a tupperware party but instead of learning about plastic containers, we all come with one idea, one product, one example to share with the others?

For example, I'm buying a Prius but I don't fully understand all the technology - perhaps someone presents on hybrid technologies or shares some research about the auto industry manufacturing more and more fuel efficient models each year.

I dunno . . . I like the idea of a mini online-based environmental club. I just also know we get inundated with emails and internet hobbies and obligations that having a mix of offline/online might be more impactful.

I really like the idea of keeping ourselves accountable to a group for this. I think we also get stuck with this idea of "I'm just one person - how much can my small changes really impact change?" BUT if we knew were not just 1 person -but a group of 10 or 100 or 10000, then we'd be more motivated to keep it up, right?

- Laura


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