Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I am a horrible and lazy Pod Leader. I have temporarily let all manner of distractions keep me from my Very Important Job, being your Fearless, Organized, Dedicated Pod Leader. I have many excuses, but thankfully, none of them are good ones. And, luckily, many of you have been very supportive, encouraging me to continue, letting me know you have missed our little Pod. Your interest has buoyed me, and made me realize that we have already changed a few things, and we can continue changing a few things. And that is how we will change lots of things.

Even if sometimes, we don't feel like doing anything at all (see above picture).

Firm but gentle effort. One foot in front of the other. Patience with Ourselves and Others. These are some principles this pod is founded on, and they bear repeating.

Today, in honor of those three principles, I offer a lightly-tossed, easy-to-catch softball: Recycled Paper.

According to the kinds of websites that report on these things, regular ol' paper causes all kinds of problems. The average American uses an astonishing 730 pounds of paper product a year and the paper industry is the third greatest contributor to global warming emissions.

But guess what, you will save 5lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of 100% post-consumer-recycled paper you use.

That is why our TO DO for this 10do10 missive is: MAKE SURE YOUR PRINTER PAPER IS 100% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED. You will be rewarded with even more of the universe's warm love (and points on the 10do10 spreadsheet) if you also switch your office, coworkers, your friends, and your family members to 100% PCR paper.

Now, there are some complexities to the situation--those inclined to know the specifics should look here for further explanation or to find a place for bulk orders. Let me know, in fact, if you would like to find the best, cheapest paper for your office or organization, and I will help facilitate. But in the meantime, get yourself to Staples and buy a ream of 100% post-consumer recycled multi-use paper. (Don't be tricked into buying the 30% recycled version--you want 100%, because that's the kind of person you are.)

Once you have done that, email me and let me know and I will make a note of it on my handy spread sheet.

Also, feel free to experiment with other recycled paper products--stationery, toilet paper, paper towels-- easy to do, many of you are probably doing it already!

Thank you for forgiving me for being out of it. Thank you for renewing your efforts. Thank you for being a member of this pod.



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